At 3 Bug Farm we grow flavorful, nutritious organic fruits and veggies that we feed our family and sell to our community. Growing Practices: During the warmer months our farm is covered in dragon flies, swallowtail butterflies and fireflies. It is very important to us that we maintain a healthy and balanced ecosystem to allow these insects to thrive. On our farm we allow for wild spaces and pursue a highly diversified production that doesn't tax the land and promotes beneficial insects. All of our produce is grown organically and in the earth. We strive for a "balanced family, balanced ecosystem, balanced farm." Our 4 young sons are always planting, harvesting and helping us around the farm. What we grow: We grow a diversity of certified organic vegetables. We specialize in our highly flavorful and nutritious salad mixes, flowers, seedlings, small fruit and tomatoes. Where to find our produce: We have a farm stand in Lincolnville near the corner of Moody Mountain road open Monday-Saturday 9-7. You can also find our produce at: Fresh off the Farm, Good Tern Co-op, The Lincolnville Central General Store, Megunticook Market, French and Brawn, and Aster and Rose. |